Damn I hate Windows sometimes. Flash locked up a few panels in and I had to redo an entire panel. Pain the ass. Oh well, here's another one about the future. I have a lot of fun with this theme. It still amazes me how well these turn out months later after I draw them. Being able to add color and gradients makes it look a hell of a lot better than the original white paper on pencil. In fact, I'm including a scan of the original drafts to show how different they really are. You might also note I change the text around a bit too.
A very rough one minute pre-draft to organize the panels:
The pencil on paper draft. Looks a lot better than the previous.
And the final product all neat and colored that you all know and love. lol
By the way, I'm plugging my website again. Added a news feed to it today so it's basically complete. I'm sure I can think of other things to add. A good archive of my comics is there as well as videos and program that I made.