Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Comic #54: Monopolizing

Well this week has sucked to say the least. I got banned from one of my favorite sites, my best friend won't talk to me, and on top of all that I think I'm getting sick. On the plus side, my external 1TB hard drive should be coming soon. One minuscule thing to look forward to. Onto comic #54. This idea was sparked from a conversation I had with some coworkers. You cannot tell me that this is not their plan.

Have you even seen Best Buy in such an evil image? Thank god Target is not one of their competitors.

Haven't heard about this?



Anonymous said...

yo i work at bestbuy and this isnt funny

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

In the humble words of Walter Sobchak "Shut the fuck up, Donny"

Anonymous said...


Professor Pat McGroyn said...

Excuse me, I am the professor that commented several abysmal comics before and I find your prologue absolutely teary eyed emo hell. I appreciate your undying effort to try and be on the cusp of comedy but you simply must forfeit.

May I point out some flaws? Your characters lack depth. Your comics seem to be inspired by what only you find funny or witty. Lame. You have had a few DECENT comics but that's about it.

Anonymous said...

Yo go move with your aunty and uncle.

Anonymous said...

You do understand that Circuit City's closing had little to do with Best Buy other than the fact that they were competitors?

Circuit City closed because management made stupid fucking decisions that, as 2008 started showing signs of a recession, they couldn't pull out of the slump they put themselves in.

So I do believe I can confidently say that isn't exactly Best Buy's plan. Best Buy is simply doing extremely well and it isn't their fault that they are excellent competitors.

Anonymous said...

Matt Miles said...

I know that wasn't the reason for their closing. Best Buy also didn't cause the closing of Computer City and CompUSA. In fact, I don't think they were around at the time, I don't know. It's a joke. Jeeze. There's a little embellishment, get over it.

I also would like to know who is commenting. Stop using anonymity or I'll remove the ability to comment altogether.

Matt Miles said...

I have a small fan base already who say that my comics are pretty good. They encourage me to make more. Big deal if I don't match up with XKCD or Cyanide and Happiness. If you don't like them, get the fuck out. You don't need to read them. Keep your shitty comments to yourself. Ok?

Matt Miles said...

I don't mind critism from people like the Professor since he speaks in an intelligent manner. It's the people who respond with "you suck" or "you fail" that can go fall off a cliff.

Anonymous said...

Yo these comments are better then the god damn comic.

Anonymous said...

Ice burn

jon said...

i like these comics

Robel said...

Yeah most of them are entertaining. I definitely see things that could be improved but overall they make me giggle on the inside.

Matt Miles said...

Heh, thanks guys. By the way, I enabled moderation on the comments now. Any unnecessary or idiotic comments will be deleted.

Anonymous said...

When are you throwing up the next comic?

Matt Miles said...

No idea. I have work every day until classes start, so whenever I get some free time. I have a couple ideas in mind but I don't know if they're good enough.

Thesoaringeagle1776 said...

Hi my name is Tobias J. Cochrane I'm 13 and i live in Boise Idaho. I just want to thank you for these comics Matt Miles. you see I really dont have any friends because no one really understands my sense of humor, But these comics keep me going. So F@#$ all of you people who keep putting these works of art down! some of us really appreciate these! So Matt from your biggest fan in Idaho please keep these comics going.

God Bless You,

Matt Miles said...

Damn that sounds so much like a troll. I don't know... <_<

CornCup1986 said...

Tobias' kind words inspired me to post praise as well. We need to show these nasty anonymous that they are terribly wrong! My name is Bruce and I'm 23 years old. I live in San Diego, California with my boyfriend of 4 years Eric.

We both adore your sense of humor. It's just the right amount of wit mixed with geek humor that leave us wanting more!

Don't let these meanies get you down Matt. I hope there will be many more of these so my boyfriend and I can laugh together!

Matt Miles said...

I can't help but wonder where you guys came from. I only posted this on my Facebook and at Modacity. It is pretty unlikely that complete strangers would find this blog.

Charlie L. said...

Hi Matt Miles!

I live in Spencerport and I heard about these comics from a friend. And I just want to send my comliments, I really enjoy the humor and being a good christian I like the fact that these comics display no vulgarity or satanic practice. I'm considering showing these to all my friends in my church group and at the next Spencerport young republicans meeting.

Keep up the good work,

CornCup1986 said...

Hey Walt,

(get it, Walt, like Walt Disney? Oh nevermind.)

It's me Bruce.I was curious how we stumbled upon these as well because Eric is the one that originally had shown me them. Eric actually found these while he was drunk chatting in some chat room. He says someone linked your blog in the chat!

We want more Matt!

CornCup1986 said...

MATT! Eric and I are waiting for a new comic!

Matt Miles said...

Eric who? Do I know you?

CornCup1986 said...

Eric is my boyfriend silly. I posted earlier in this comic!