So some people have been asking how I draw my comics. Not a lot, but some. So while I drew my last comic I recorded my screen in the background and just sped it up in editing. (123 minutes compressed into 4 minutes.) It's now on youtube. Check it out. It's complete with annotations and music. My first time using annotations. Everything went fine. lol
I know I'm a day late on the video. Oh well.

YOUTUBE - Comic #45 Time-Lapse
Yeah, I know, it's been a while. Roughly six weeks I think. I've been caught up with college assignments and other free time stuff: SQL, PHP, C++, etc. Anyway, I drew this one today during Lunch and traced it into Flash.
Something else I have been noticing is people aren't getting the jokes off the bat, which can lower the humor if you don't understand the punchline, so I'm adding explanations after each one if I think it could be confusing or misleading.
I got one other comic to trace, probably for tomorrow or Friday. Also, I did a time-lapse of me drawing comic #45 in case you guys wonder how I do it. It's nothing special really, but some people have been asking, so meh. That should be online probably tomorrow. Anyway, now that you've read all this, I doubt many of you have, enjoy Comic #45.