Thursday, December 24, 2009

Comic #57: *Results May Vary!

Wow, it has been a while since I've done a comic. Exams, projects and other things have kept me busy. It's been a boring day so I traced #57 (one that I drew on paper back in September). I have a bunch of them drawn....up to #65, so I'm a little behind. Now that semester is finally over and I have free time again, hopefully I'll be able to crank out the rest of these that I have piled up. This one's not really Christmas related like last year but meh...sort of Christmas colors. Good enough? Happy Holidays.

Find a complete archive of my comics on my new website!
Gamerkd Creations - Comics Archive

Also you can find a queue of upcoming comics there too.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Comic #55: Dial Tone || Comic #56: Hook, Line, and Sinker

Actually I finished them last night, but got distracted with some Halo ODST. Won the game though. It's a pretty interesting story, but I still don't think it's worth 60 bucks to get half of what you already have (Halo 3 Maps). Damn Micro$oft. Anyway, here are two comics that I drew a few weeks ago. Enjoy. I already drew out #57 and #58. One of them is golden my friend says. Be on the lookout for that one.

Yeah, a little bit of dirty humor. Oh well.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Comic #54: Monopolizing

Well this week has sucked to say the least. I got banned from one of my favorite sites, my best friend won't talk to me, and on top of all that I think I'm getting sick. On the plus side, my external 1TB hard drive should be coming soon. One minuscule thing to look forward to. Onto comic #54. This idea was sparked from a conversation I had with some coworkers. You cannot tell me that this is not their plan.

Have you even seen Best Buy in such an evil image? Thank god Target is not one of their competitors.

Haven't heard about this?


Friday, August 14, 2009

Comic #53: Time Travel II : Regrets

You have no idea how many times I have contemplated chaos theory. If changing one thing in the past could really make your life a little bit better than it is now. Would it make things worse? Would you lose something valuable? Or would it give you the thing that you want the most? Tricky subject. Well...emo moment aside here's part two of the Time Travel sequence. It took me a while to finish this one and believe me...some PEOPLE have really bugged me about finishing this. lol Hope you're happy. Don't read too much into it.

This is the longest one yet just like I promised. It's also depressing/not comedic like I promised:

Phew, so glad that one is done. This is the only comic that took more than one day. I must have spent a total of 10-12 hours on this and I felt like I couldn't continue until i finished this one. Hopefully there won't be a month and half wait next time.

If you don't understand, you should know that this comic introduced it in a way. Future Dan is coming back to the past to stop himself from ever meeting the girl who would eventually break his heart, thus changing the time line. Personally I don't think this is the best option. I think that even if there is bad, there is no reason to throw it away because then you also lose the good. And that never seems worth it.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gamerkd Creations Site Launched!

¤Gamerkd Creations Site¤

I finally got a good start on this website. The only thing that isn't on there yet is my projects and programs that I have created. When I finish up those pages I'll throw another update in here.
Anyway, this website is hosted on my own computer so I have more control over what can go on it. This also means there could be more downtime since it's using my bandwidth. I don't expect that many visitors though.
The website currently has all the comics that I have done in a gallery form and the comics themselves have all been redone so that the date and comic number are included in each. Also I added a video archive of all the videos I have created. The links go to numerous video sharing sites since (as you know from my first post on this blog) youtube sucks and deletes anything they don't like. The Gir Compilations should be back online as well. If at any time the links for anything are broken let me know on AIM at gamerkd17.

On a side note, Comic #53 hasn't been done at all yet except for the layout of the dialog. I just haven't been in the mood to do it or I haven't had time. It should be out soon though.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Comic #52: Simple Instructions

Ever had a teacher like this? I did and it pissed me off to no end. Only reason I passed the class was because I had background knowledge in the class and a book. This was the comic I was talking about. The one I did back in January. Before it was only two panels but I extended it and added that last panel joke. Took a while to set this one up. I had no idea how many panels to create. It was going to be eight, then seven, then nine. Meh, whatever. Enjoy. Next one I create will be a big one. Literally. It will only be one row, and probably ten panels. lol That's a first.

E: Sorry, the image broke after only 12 hours. Geeze. Reupped and updated.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Comic #51

Well, it's my friend's birthday so I figured I'd do a birthday related comic. The content isn't related to the person though. This the first time I used real perspective in my art. I mean like literally drawing a vanishing point and then drawing the lines to that one vanishing point, much like how we did in art class for school. I think it turned out better but it takes longer to do than freehand. I also brought back Katie. I tend to avoid using her since it's a bitch to draw her hair. And it still looks terrible.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy 50th!

Damn, how much I hate drawing cars. Well, here it is. My 50th comic. For some reason 50 is supposed to be a significant number so I made it special. It's been a little over a year since I started drawing comics. My first one being "An Alternate Solution" drawn on March 6th, 2008. So took me roughly 425 days to draw 50 comics. Wow, that kinda sucks. Whatever. Enjoy the 50th. It took a while to draw...about 4.5 hours. And I used one of my favorite subjects for this one. It is fun to think about how far technology will progress in the future - for the good or bad.

I still have three other future-themed comics left.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Comic #48/49

I've been having a crappy night and I was on a sugar high so I thought I'd draw up some 5am sleep deprivation comics. It's been a month. I'm about due anyway.

Why did I find myself doing this a lot while I was cleaning my room today?

The next one is a first for me. No comedy at all. In fact, it's kinda depressing. But meh, it was my mood at the time.

No this doesn't mean Dan likes Katie or anything. There's no continuity. I'm just too lazy to make up new characters for a one time comic.

And I'm finally starting to crash. Time for bed.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Comic #47 - Human Error

Yay....spring break. Hope yours is going better than mine....I finished up Comic #47. Actually I drew it on paper back in February. It just took two months to draw it into the computer. Laziness. Stay tuned. I still need to draw in one from January. :p

Click to reveal explanation

CAPTCHAs are those annoying things on registration forms online where you have to type the hard-to-read letters that are shown to prove you are not a spam robot.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! So here is a comic that has no relation to the holiday at all. Today has been pretty boring for me which gave me time to draw this one out in Flash. I actually drew it probably two weeks ago during Lunch, and I have about four more left that I still have to draw into the computer.
I've been pretty busy. With college assignments and now my new job at Target the time between each comic release might be even more sparse.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Comic #45 Time-Lapse

So some people have been asking how I draw my comics. Not a lot, but some. So while I drew my last comic I recorded my screen in the background and just sped it up in editing. (123 minutes compressed into 4 minutes.) It's now on youtube. Check it out. It's complete with annotations and music. My first time using annotations. Everything went fine. lol

I know I'm a day late on the video. Oh well.

YOUTUBE - Comic #45 Time-Lapse

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Comic #45

Yeah, I know, it's been a while. Roughly six weeks I think. I've been caught up with college assignments and other free time stuff: SQL, PHP, C++, etc. Anyway, I drew this one today during Lunch and traced it into Flash.
Something else I have been noticing is people aren't getting the jokes off the bat, which can lower the humor if you don't understand the punchline, so I'm adding explanations after each one if I think it could be confusing or misleading.
I got one other comic to trace, probably for tomorrow or Friday. Also, I did a time-lapse of me drawing comic #45 in case you guys wonder how I do it. It's nothing special really, but some people have been asking, so meh. That should be online probably tomorrow. Anyway, now that you've read all this, I doubt many of you have, enjoy Comic #45.

Click to reveal explanation

The internet error 404 typically means a lost or missing page when you come across it on the internet.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Absent-Minded: New Comic Series

And so it begins....
I'm usually against change, so this is a little weird for me. I've planned on doing this transformation for a while now, just couldn't think of the right time or way to do it. After getting a little bit of critism from some modacity members I decided to try to give my characters some personalities and a way to distinguish them from one another. I already got help with names from my friend Clark.

The new year has begun and so I launch the series: Absent-Minded.*
New title, new fonts, new characters with name and clothes, and OMG a girl?! This should throw some fun into the series a bit. Hopefully I can keep some continuity now. Anyway, enjoy comic #44! Kind of an introduction comic.

*If this name is already taken by someone else, let me know. Though I checked, I don't think it is.